Tasty Tuscan Tart Recipe

Tasty Tuscan Tart Recipe

  • ¾ pound sweet pastry
  • 2-3 Williams pears (Bartlett pears), peeled and quartered
  • 4 tablespoons caster sugar
  • 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons light cream
  • 7 ounces good-quality dark (bittersweet or semisweeet) chocolate (70% cocoa solids)
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter
  1. Preheat your oven to 375°F. Roll out the shortcrust pastry to form a rectangular shape just under 1-cm thick, using flour to dust. Place on a clean, flat baking tray and pinch the pastry around the edge with your thumb and forefinger to create a sort of lip.
  2. Remove the core, and slice each pear quarter into 3. Sprinkle with half the caster sugar and rest for 1 minute before scattering the pears on top of the pastry. Bake for around 18 minutes, or until golden. Meanwhile, in a small pan, heat the cream until nearly boiling, remove from the heat and rest for a minute before snapping in your chocolate. Stir until melted and smooth, then add the remaining sugar and the butter. Pour carefully from the middle, covering the pears, and try not to let the chocolate go over the edge. Allow to cool briefly before popping into the fridge for 20 minutes.
  3. Cut into squares or fingers… and get stuck in!