Easy-Bake® Sugar Cookies Recipe

Easy-Bake® Sugar Cookies Recipe

  • Cookie Ingredients:
  • 2 Sugar Cookie Mixes
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons water
  • Frosting Ingredients:
  • 1 Vanilla Frosting Mix
  • 1 teaspoon water
  • 1 Pink Sugar Sprinkles packet
  1. PREHEAT your oven for 15 minutes.
  2. MIX THE DOUGH. Pour two sugar cookie mixes and 1 teaspoons of water into a bowl. Stir until you form a dough.
  3. PREPARE A WORKSPACE. Spray a baking pan with cooking spray. Sprinkle flour onto your hands and a clean counter. Divide the dough into 4 equal parts.
  4. SHAPE THE COOKIES. Roll one piece of dough between your hands and the counter until you form a ball. Flatten the ball into a cookie shape.
  5. BAKE THE COOKIE. Use the pan pusher to move the cookie into the oven. Bake for 10-12 minutes. After baking, use the pan pusher to move the cookie into the cooling chamber. Let it cool for 10 minutes. Now, prepare and bake the other cookies, using a clean pan each time.
  6. MIX THE FROSTING. Pour one frosting mix and 1 teaspoon of water into a bowl. Stir until smooth. If the frosting is too thick, add an extra drop or two of water.
  7. FROST THE COOKIES. Spread the frosting evenly over all four cooled cookies.
  8. FINISHING TOUCHES. Sprinkle the cookies with the sugar crystals. Now share them with someone who has a taste for pink!